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Boeing Globemaster III (98-0058) - C17 departing runway 4, Tyler Pounds Field, Tyler, Texas, July 2, 2021, Historic Aviation Museum Airshow.
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Boeing Globemaster III (98-0058)


C17 departing runway 4, Tyler Pounds Field, Tyler, Texas, July 2, 2021, Historic Aviation Museum Airshow.


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David Malsher
Great angle of shot
OK. I gotta ask. How did you, take this shot? I admit I am suspicious of some of the photos shown here every week. I love them all, But. I don't know the "rules" of posting and some shots look so perfect that I think they are artist renderings or computer put together or corporate shots from a following plane. I'm not criticizing at all. Just a amateur photographer still using my Nikkormat bought at the PX in Karamursel Turkey in 1972. Thanks all for wonderful plane shots.
Todd DeRooPhoto Uploader
Nicholas, I took this shot from a rental car parking lot located next to the Tyler terminal. The C17 had just taken off, and you can see that the landing gear is not fully retracted. The camera that I use is an Olympus E-M10 Mark III with a 40 -150 zoom lens. The original photo had the top of rental car parking sign in it, so I cropped the original and framed the best looking shot of the aircraft. The picture was take about an hour before sunset, that gave a great sun angle. Thunderstorms were numerous that night and the clouds provided a great back drop.
Jim Smith
Note the picture of Mt Rainier and the "McChord" on the tail. Local to me as I'm only 50 miles north of KTCM.
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