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Economy Passengers Could Soon Lie Down On Airplanes—Meet The Airline That's Doing It First
Economy flights practically guarantee a stiff neck, a child kicking the back of your seat and competition with your seatmate to claim the middle seat's armrests. One airline wants to cure to these traveling ailments: Air New Zealand recently announced the world's first lie-flat "pods" for economy class airplanes, set to debut in 2024. The concept, called "Skynest," has been in research and development for five years and will likely feature two rows of three stacked… ( More...Sort type: [Top] [Newest]
It's not economy if you pay extra... it's "something else." The sleepers may RESIDE in economy, but it won't be economy prices.
Agreed. Attaching "economy" to the story is just to get more attention.
I don't need to lie down. Just make the seating more comfortable with a little extra room instead of a seat the size of a child's school desk and no leg room.
put some wings on that superchief.
Interesting.. Where it may be located in Coach, it will not be Coach Prices I am sure!
I much prefer my turbulence bounces to be in the Direction my spine is already going. Can you imagine being bodily lifted up and then slammed back into the bed when undergoing turbulence? It would be the worst amusement park ride ever.