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Female airline pilots wish more women would join them

It's a career above the clouds, a sky full of opportunity. So America's female airline pilots have one question: Why aren't there more of us? "There have been women airline pilots for decades. But it is not a warm and fuzzy profession," says Karen Guadagni, 49, of St. Joseph, who is a captain for ExpressJet on flights for United and Delta airlines. In her 14 years as a pilot, Guadagni estimates that she has been paired with another woman only about 20 times on the… ( More...

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Dumb Ass
That was for Derek Owens remark
Hai Zhu 1
Personal bias: Female are more suitable to be Flight Crew while Male better to became a Cabin Crew
Derek Owens 2
Yea you wouldn't want them to be president either, if it was that time of the month they may start a war.
That is just dumb stereotypical close minded thinking. I am a male pilot who hopes that when I have a daughter she never has to meet or hear from people like you.

Well I sure as heck don't want Hillary! The problem today is people have a hard time separating a comment thrown out as a joke, and get their bowels in an uproar. So, it was mearly a joke, and some time when you tell a funny or slightly off color story on the "Flight Deck", you might just lighten up!
airscout12 1
Except that most jokes are female-negative. Just because you don't like Hillary doesn't mean there's not a better female candidate out there.
I take it Hai Zhu isn't even in an aviation field to make such an ignorant comment like that. It's proven that women pay more attention to detail and in the rotary wing world, more often than not a woman has better control touch than a man. Of course, there are exceptions to every situation (not saying women are better overall).
These jokes are not funny in any context.
airscout12 1
Actually, flight deck is the appropriate term.


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