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American Airlines crammed the only 11 passengers on a flight into 3 rows because they only bought basic economy, report says
Despite having only 11 passengers on an otherwise empty flight, because they had purchased Basic Economy tickets, FA’s refused to move them as that would be considered an “upgrade”. FA’s later relented, overriding policy. ( More...Sort type: [Top] [Newest]
A definite lack of common sense... But then again.... Common Sense died a long time ago... I posted this some time back... This one is worthy of it as well...
I really agree about your article on the death of common sense. Parents can't even reprimand their kids with a well-aimed kick up the rear end! As a result kids these days are inconsiderate, don't respect their elders and it's all about "Poor me"!
just a dumb computer where the programmer (or the requirements analyst) never envisaged a scenario of 11 passengers and no one silly enough to pay more.
Good to see reasonable humans applied some common sense.
Good to see reasonable humans applied some common sense.
OMG !!!! What is happening in our Airline World !!!! Thank goodness someone had some sense ? and got them moved apart. I am almost speechless here.
OK, an action like this is clearly unforgivable, given the circumstances. I am curious, though, what type of aircraft is was. A 737 is going a lot more flexibility in spreading passengers around than, say, a regional jet. Could the crew have gotten overly concerned about weight and balance requirements (seems unlikely to me, but I'm not a pilot), or was it just a case of "blind obedience to corporate policy?" Either way, it seems highly irresponsible to me.
That is why I fly Southwest. I decide why to sit, not a computer.